
Sorry For The Delay

I know I've been promising to write my wicked awesome super cool ultra fantastic spot-on perfect reviews of the Harry Potter movies.  But sometimes my technicolor dream world (no, not that sickeningly saccharine pabulum from "What Dreams May Come" (shudder...)) is taken over by reality - the reality that, as a cat, I have paws, and not fingers.  I have to have my Dad help me when I write my stuff.  You know, dictator to him (hee hee, I said dictator).  But right now, my Dad has been having some health problems and is having trouble typing for long periods of time.  So I'm gonna have to wait until he feels better before we get to work.  I've tried writing some rough drafts, but since I can't really hold a crayon very well with my paws, it just looks like Jackson Pollack forgeries.  I don't want to disappoint my fans - I know you've been waiting on the edge of your seats, setting all other responsibilities aside, camping out at your computers, waiting, waiting for that bright, shiny, brilliant new post from yours truly - but you'll have to wait just a wee bit longer, okay?  I may be the non-gay-non-Donald-Duck-suit-wearing Elton John of movie reviews, but I just can't make my opinions sing without the help of my Bernie Taupin-esque Dad.  Hang tight, young Muggles.  The Hogwarts Express is just delayed by dementors trying to suck the life out of my Dad....

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