
Submit Your Suggestions!

Boy, I sure do like movies, or as they call them here in Canada (where I live now), 'movies'. I hope you liked my first batch of reviews - and my attempt to make 'classics' even more 'classicy'.  I'd like to be able to take that same classicy-making magic and make other not-so-classic classics a little more classicy.  So send me your suggestions and requests of movies, films, flicks, Spike Lee joints, epics, trilogies, cult favorites, celluloid, video tape, screen gem, or Criterion Collection masterpieces, and I will see if I can do it proper justice (not crap-ass Nancy grace 'justice', or whatever that angry pseudo-lesbian Han Solo wannabe calls her screetching and bleating).

Send those requests in pronto!  I may actually have to watch some of these movies to be able to review them.

But here is a list of movies that I both don't get, and don't want to get, so DON'T ASK!  I will ignore your stupid, not-listening-even-though-I-just-said-I-wouldn't-do-these-pieces-of-useless-cat-poop-called-'movies' if you try something idiotic and request them.  DON'T DO IT!  I will sneak into your house in the middle of the night and claw your nose off and screw it into your belly-button.  Am I clear?

So don't request:

The Princess Bride (don't get it - it's not funny)  
Ghostbusters (don't get it - it's not funny
Any of the Back To The Future movies (don't get them - they're not funny)
Clueless (don't get it - it's not funny)
Men in Black I & II (don't get them - they're not funny)
Pretty In Pink (the very sight of John Cryer  makes me physically ill; and his name is Ducky - there's only room for one funny man named after a bird here)

But otherwise, I'm pretty open to just about everything, so get those requests in now!

Chicken Ebert McMuppet


  1. Breakin'
    Bram stoker's Dracula
    Indiana. Jiones2
    Pretty woman
    Forrest Gump
    When Harry met Sally

  2. Shaft
    Citizen kane
    Terminator 2
    Vanilla sky

  3. Leprechaun
    Any area film
    Trains, planes and automobiles
    Dark knight
    Batman and robin
    Deep impact
    The postman
    Field of dreams
